The Superior Taste Award is a stamp of quality in taste granted by opinion leader team made of Michelin starred Chefs and Sommeliers. The jury is composed of 13 different nationalities from the most prestigious culinary institutions such as Maîtres Cuisiniers of Belgium and France, Académie culinaire de France, Euro-Toques, Federazione Italiana Cuochi, the Jeunes Restaurateurs d’Europe, Associaciones de Cocineros de España, the Verband der Köche Deutschlands and the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale.

During the test, each product is individually blind tested according to a rigorous sensory analysis procedure. First, all jury members receive the products with no information given on its origins, packaging to not aliterate the sensory evaluation. Then, the analysis of the product will englobe smell, vision, taste, after-taste, texture and more if necessary. 

Nina’s Marie Antoinette Coffret received in 2012 a two golden star, meaning that its taste has been analyzed as remarkable with a mark between 80 and 90%.

Some comments made by the jury among others were « complex and delicate aromas », « harmony of flavors », « beautiful color », « balanced taste » and « sophisticated ». Nina’s heritage from Versailles remained intact through its traditional recipes appreciated by the Court